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All posts by Jade D Hammons


When Sex is not about Sex. Libidomancy “I’m just seven hours old, Truly beautiful to behold, And somebody should be told, That my libido hasn’t been controlled Now the only […]

Jade D Hammons |

The Dead Man’s Hand

Aces over Eights. A murder, a world war, a presidential assassination. What would you risk to satisfy your hatred? THE DEAD MAN’S HAND Power: Major Type: Created (Unique) Appearance: The […]

Jade D Hammons |

The Chaos Butterfly

Every ascension leaves something behind, this is one of those… somethings. THE CHAOS BUTTERFLY Power: Major Type: Natural Effect: This Artifact is a magical null-zone. Charges used in the vicinity […]

Jade D Hammons |

The Tongue of the Dragon

Some people will do anything for power… anything. Power: Significant Charges: 5 Some people will do anything for power; this ritual is further proof of that. Okay… you say you […]

Jade D Hammons |


The Will is Quicker than the Eye Legerdomancy (Aka: Skeptics, Copperfields, Hennings, etc) Gothfae             John Cant was a Sleeper, well, he still may be a Sleeper but no one […]

Jade D Hammons |