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All posts by InfinityWpi - 2. page

Never toss an adept’s apartment…

What do you get when you search an adept’s apartment? More than you bargain for… In the tradition of the “Top Ten” lists we had recently… ten thing syou can […]

InfinityWpi |

Medical Testing

They said it was just typical medical testing. Then why did my entropo-sense tingle? Look, if you really want to know about the rash on my face, I’ll tell you. […]

InfinityWpi |

Monster PC

Building the ultimate computer was a labor of love. Using it is sign of hate. The Monster PC (as it has come to be known) is a typical beige-box PC, […]

InfinityWpi |

Elizabeth Smart

The Invisible Clergy a-lmost- grew by one. It’s all part of a power struggle in the Occult Underground. See… her father turned his daughter into a proxy, and arranged to […]

InfinityWpi |

The Occult Underground of the homeless

If you want to know the truth, talk to the children… Read it. It’s old, but there’s tones of things in there that fit right in with Unknown Armies. […]

InfinityWpi |

The Real Reason For The War

You want dead souls, condensed into liquid form? I can’t believe nobody’s mentioned this yet. Oil isn’t just plant matter… there’s dinos and other ancient animals in there, too. All […]

InfinityWpi |

Universal Remote

For the control freak in all of us. Hey, get yer eyes offa my hip. Yeah, it’s a remote control. Yeah, it’s in a holster. Got a problem with that? […]

InfinityWpi |

Time-Limit Hunt

Someone has a reason to kill a child every five days. It’s been four since the last one. Okay. You mooks, listen up. I called you all here for a […]

InfinityWpi |


When telling the truth could cost you your job. I wouldn’t be going to you guys if it wasn’t important. I mean, you guys, you’re the feds. Big Brother. You […]

InfinityWpi |