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All posts by Greykev

A grab-bag of unnatural pests

A few things to go bump in the night… Gobblestops Think Slimer from the ghostbusters, give him a pair of spindly legs to match his arms, and paint him whatever […]

Greykev |

Ignacio’s last stand

A revolver, a rose, and a bottle of piss. Sorry if the writing is unclear, the whole thing got started as a reoccurring joke (the bottle of piss outside the […]

Greykev |

Thir13en Ghosts – UA style

A poor movie makes a great red herring. Granted the movie is at best a C- plot-wise, but there is (at least) one element worth examining from a UA perspective. […]

Greykev |

The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension

A source for rumors & weirdness The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension hosts a number of truly bizarre webpages. In particular I’d recommend This page since it sparked a nifty little plot complication […]

Greykev |

Snippits & Weirdness

a brain-dump of rumor ideas. If you collect enough coins produced in the same year, by the same mint, to pay for an international phone call, and feed them into […]

Greykev |