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All posts by Insect King

Unknown Armies Wiki

Wikimancy: The Unknown Armies Wiki Here’s an Unknown Armies wiki I started a while back but it’s gathering dust. Please use it. …Perhaps by starting with creating a UA wiki*encyclopedia. […]

Insect King |


Also known as Blue Pornomancy, the European variant of Pornomancy. Female: Salacitrix, Dancer, Smutter Male: Celibate Onanist, Stagehand, Polisher In England and France attempts to lay seeds for Pornomancy reaped […]

Insect King |


Creepy-crawley bug sorcerers… Bugs, Crawlies Insects are everywhere, adaptive and hardy, they are royalty. The insects were here before us and will be after we’ve long gone – our superiors […]

Insect King |


Spider magick. Created with Ted Prodmodrou Cobheads, Spider Witches Spiders are everywhere. They sit and intrude on our awareness with a violent quietude that nothing else quite does. They do […]

Insect King |


The magick of smoke… Smokers, Sooters Where there’s smoke there’s fire. Smoke is not just the sooty by product of fire it is the tangible link connecting heaven and earth, […]

Insect King |


The journal of an obscure sorcerer. THE BOOK OF BAD EYES Balthazar Balzac was a semi-notorious adept in the eighties. His magick was uniquely his as his moniker told, the […]

Insect King |


The knife wants to gives us so much, let it. Scyromancers AKA Knifers, Tipsters, Razors, Dirt Surgeons No single person can touch history’s timeline where primitive man first touched the […]

Insect King |

Baal Chemists

Sorcerors of the Genetic Tetragrammaton BAAL CHEMISTS AKA The True Namers, the Baal Chem In the Beginning was YHVH and He created all life. The Holy Tetragrammaton has puzzled religious […]

Insect King |


The unbelieving adepts who pull magick from religious spectacle. THE HAGIOMANCER AKA Propheteers, Steeplechasers Ever since humans became aware and looked at the world they wondered what might be there […]

Insect King |


The adepts who get magick the other way around from music. CANTOMANCERS AKA NOTELEECHERS, NOISEJOCKS “It’s Radio Free Sorcery, baby, and the secret antennae is my ear!” Hiding between the […]

Insect King |