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All posts by Insect King - 3. page

The Charioteer

This is the archetype of the Lord of Wheels, Road, Sea and Sky. Attributes: The charioteer is often seen one of the sidekicks of the archetypes, he is a testament […]

Insect King |

The Grotesque Libertine

Faster than you can shoot, he will sit your ass down in that wheelchair, permanently… Attributes: The Grotesque Libertine is the living embodiment of the undeserving cripple and the self-loathing […]

Insect King |

The Insect King Rituals

Here is a collection of rituals used in my Working Babalon UA game. They were supposed to be slung around by the L.A.’s own Rosy Crucifers and the OAO. AS […]

Insect King |

I Know My Occult Stuff, Man!

How to use your occult savvy or trivia skills regarding the Occult underground. I Know My Occult Stuff, Man! (Mind Skill) The character can roll to see if he recognises […]

Insect King |

Ludificomancy II (Ludoscopy)

Alternative to Toshi’s adept school based on games. Ludificomancy (Ludoscopy) (Ludificomancy: Ludonautica, ludoscopy, Mancymancy, chaoscopy, straggling) (Ludificomancers: ludonauts, ludoscopy, mancies, stragglers) The human mind is built on recognising patterns and […]

Insect King |

Jack Stillborn and his dog, Elbow

The cosmic cowboy and his trusty sidekick. He may not seem like much but Jack Stillborn once drank from the Fountain of Youth. Is he an Avatar of the First […]

Insect King |


The Unobtainable Harlot, The Sacred Whore, The Naked Goddess, The Objectified Object, The Priceless Prostitute, WECHBY – The Woman Everyone Can Have But You… Attributes: The Naked Goddess is an […]

Insect King |


A cabal or not a cabal, that is the question, or isn’t it? Or is it a parasitic psychic vortex or is it an arty vampiric Happening? The Chaoties or […]

Insect King |

W. Jethro Urkhart

It’s all about victims and their victims. Willis Adelaide Guthroe, Bradley Shaeffer, Robin Sebastian Munley, Seth Masters, Andrew Clarkston, Ferdinand Paulo de Salo, and Eric Monichs are all serving time […]

Insect King |

Wallace Jeppe

The lord of worms and his family… In 1985 a forty-year old travelling salesman arrived home on a Monday morning as he usually did after a week on the road. […]

Insect King |