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All posts by Insect King - 5. page

Powa boyz

It is a New York cabal with the most street cred. Powa Boyz A small East Coast inner city black gang, a splinter of the Bloods, was doomed to be […]

Insect King |

The Guede

Become a member of the most infamous voudon family of them all. GUEDE: The Mercenary Shaman (also known as the Necromancer) Attributes: Not one quite knows when it happened in […]

Insect King |


A yuppie self-motivation cult with knives. EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT AND MOTIVATION TRAINING RESORT Patrick Scholl is a successful business motivational speaker and his San Diego based resort, EMAM, is the secret […]

Insect King |

Shadows within Shadows…

One of the most least touched on areas in UA: The Government. Here is a little weirdness… SHADOWS WITHIN SHADOWS OK, they’ve got your file down at the CIA They […]

Insect King |

Revised Initiative Rules

Revised, but simple and action-friendly initiative rules Revised Initiative for Unknown Armies Being an otherwise sort of person, I have long since changed the UA initiative rules for my UA […]

Insect King |

Deadful Things

This a quick and dirty resource for fleshed-out undead without the typical undead cheesiness. each type comes with a sample GMC. It is aimed as a resource. I posted this […]

Insect King |