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All posts by Jaculi

a Drunk’s Ramblings

the day after for a dipsomancer OneMan is an island floating across the wide Sargasso Sea, just to the east of NoMan. Unity of purpose is tearing us apart, all […]

Jaculi |

Haddonfield, Illinois

It’s not on the maps… Haddonfield, Illinois does exist, but you can’t find it on any map and no one beleives in it. It’s become just another piece of fiction. […]

Jaculi |

A pornomancer walks into a bar…..

Last week, I was over at Dead Eddie’s and ….. So last week, I was over at Dead Eddie’s in Cleveland, and a pornomancer struts in. No this isn’t a […]

Jaculi |

The Man from Rio

The man from Rio is making bets with bodybags… It’s like that Twilight Zone episode. There’s a man that’s been approaching entropomancers, asking if they want to make a bet. […]

Jaculi |