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All posts by Mr Unlucky

KLOW: 92.9 FM (Graveyard Shift)

Ever wonder about the Dead Kennedys covering “Viva Las Vegas”? In the recesses of the old foundry, the lone operator was the master of his domain of air, radio waves […]

Mr Unlucky |

There can be only one… uhm… chef.

I have no insights to offer beyond this being related to a Thanatomancy effect of some sort. Chef dies in sword attack From correspondents in Paris May 16, 2005 From: […]

Mr Unlucky |

Unhappy Kingdom.

Carnivals. Clowns. Methamphetamines. Adepts. Guns. Avatars. Knives. Videotapes. Terror. Popcorn. — All’s faire in love and war. Take your players through some Hell, and reward them with: more Hell. Because […]

Mr Unlucky |

Videotaped Oddities….

10 tapes found in the Occult Underground; some are still circulating. Some have the keys to ancient secrets. Some are Beta-Max. Ten tapes found, over the course of fifteen years, […]

Mr Unlucky |

Surges: New Horrors.

Surges: sudden lurches in the motion of the cosmos, giving birth to a new species. Blame Playboy and Einstein. SURGES The Surges are seldom written, but are vastly spread through […]

Mr Unlucky |

Devil’s Dice

Medieval Dipsomancer toy, or fraudulent speculation source? You decide. The history of a simple, seven-by-seven grid of spaces, laid on a plain wooden board, lost in the annals of time, […]

Mr Unlucky |

Please. Don’t press play.

Movie junkies have nightmares, too. Where tobegin?Perhaps with what I assume is the beginning. It started about five o’clock, last night.I think. It’s hard to tell time where I am. […]

Mr Unlucky |

Life imitates Annihilomancy, take 2.

When going for a major charge, find a secluded spot… Man Burns Life Savings, Fails Suicide Bid PARIS (Reuters) – A Frenchman who burned his life savings to a cinder […]

Mr Unlucky |


You want to know what I saw, huh? Trust me. You’ve seen them. You can be walking to the bus, and it’ll be there, watching you from a sewer drain. […]

Mr Unlucky |