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All posts by Reed

Justin Timberlake

The Superbowl fiasco Justin Timberlake’s “little mistake” was no accident. He’s actually a member of the Fellowship of Bad Traffic, and an adept of their quirky school. He tried to […]

Reed |

Luther’s Nail

The nail Martin Luther used to post the 95 Thesis..and start the Reformation of Europe. Artifact Type: Major Description: It’s called a Nail, but it’s less a nail than an […]

Reed |

Greenie Green: Nader’s Fate

This Third Party candidate will become a first class problem. Everybody knows Nader’s bid for the Presidency was his plan to eventually become godwalker of the Demagouge, and then to […]

Reed |

Operation: Big S

An Ascension cabal out to protect the weak in the next world. You all knew each other when you were younger. You were geeks and losers, beat up and ridiculed […]

Reed |

The Throne Room

Welcome to the House of Renunciation. Have a seat. Everyone wants to be famous. The power, the money, the hordes of adoring fans who would give anything just to be […]

Reed |


Don’t piss me off NOTE: If no one has thought of this, I’m a bit surprised. If they have, consider this my take on it. Rageomancy AKA, Hate mongers, Hernias, […]

Reed |

State of the Union

Get a stopwatch If you watch every State of the Union Adress since it’s been filmed and available on tape, you’ll see that halfway through–exactly halfway through–the President always says […]

Reed |


Are you an adept dreaming he’s a butterfly? Or are you a butterfly dreaming he’s an adept who’s dreaming he’s a butterfly? Onieromancy (AKA Dreamers, Winkles) Life is a dream. […]

Reed |