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All posts by Miniature Wicker Zombu

Fetus Swarms

Why you should be careful when you go dumpster diving near abortion clinics… What they are: Technically a kind of astral parasite, a fetusite (the name of an individual fetus […]

Miniature Wicker Zombu |

Three little Rituals

Found individually Tattooed on the backs of three strippers… The Witche’s Brood Create a brew, half made up of the crushed remain of a single type of vermin, beaten and […]

Miniature Wicker Zombu |

The Free Artist

Express yourself! Aka The High Artist, aka The Street Artist, aka The Starving Artist Some people perform art to pay the rent, to put food on the table or too […]

Miniature Wicker Zombu |

The real Bonsai Kittens

Oh, What mighty plans little kittens plot You’ve probably heard of bonsai kittens by now, a web site that talks about how to mold and shape kittens into various shapes […]

Miniature Wicker Zombu |


A Sign of the times Humans have always been beholden to signs, the flock of birds rising from a nearby wood would be a foreshadowing of impending death, or an […]

Miniature Wicker Zombu |


Murder! Dance! Kill! A blank Vhs tape. It will turn up some where without any particular fanfare, some times it will just be left next you on a bar or […]

Miniature Wicker Zombu |

Flushing ariport

For those campaigns in new york, but outside manhattan… An old abandoned airport with a silly name and some unusual finds inside. The picture right at the bottom is […]

Miniature Wicker Zombu |

Coffe pot of the damned!

A mundane way to communicate with those Beyond or maybe not Of note is the ‘cuddly demon’ called Damien. Though what the signicance of the lizard is, is anybodies […]

Miniature Wicker Zombu |