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All posts by Hatchet

Square marbles 2

More rambling from Square Marbles. ( Okay, so these are the files named “Géza 2” and “Géza 3”. You can find them just below where the first file was. In […]

Hatchet |

Square marbles

In case you want to confuse your players. (Note: “Square marbles” is an existing hungarian group. I’m hungarian, and even I have no idea what the f*ck they’re rambling about. […]

Hatchet |

The Statue that never was

But sure is now! The old man smiled. “So you youngsters think you know everything, huh? Just because you can sling a few spells, well that doesn’t make you rulers […]

Hatchet |

The Big Game Hunter

A hunter who’s trophy collection you do NOT want to see. (cosmic level) Surely you’ve heard of him before. A real big time, major league player. Envied by every clockworker […]

Hatchet |

Mr. Domino

Playing dominoes with the universe. Ever thought about playing with dominoeS? You put them in a line , hit the first one, and the whole line collapses.Who cares? It’s just […]

Hatchet |

Domino Effect

Behind the scenes of Domino Day 2005… I don’t know how much publicity this got in the USA (I’m from Hungary), so first of all: Domino Day is about a […]

Hatchet |

The Clockwork Globe

Spending a major charge for an automaton? Boring! Mechanomancy isn’t just about automata. This is something a really creative clockworker came up with. Where is it today? Who knows? Perhaps […]

Hatchet |

Things I heard…

The world is a freaky place indeed… – Wanna try something funny? You have to be really patient to pull this off. Get a mirror. Start staring at it. Well, […]

Hatchet |