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All posts by secretbison


Save the world, sort of… Some conservationists, outdoorsmen, and activists feel a frustration and self-loathing so powerful that it drives them into the Occult Underground. Some of them work hard […]

secretbison |

Garden Gnome Chomsky

A tool of significant power and minor silliness… Power: Significant Appearance: This is a one-foot-tall cereamic garden gnome. He sits with a wistful expression, a tall red hat, and a […]

secretbison |

The Angle-Grinder of Justice

the legacy of an unconventional vigilante… Power: Significant Effect: The Angle-Grinder of Justice is alive. It has a full set of senses, but it can’t move on its own or […]

secretbison |

The Dude

The Dude abides… The Dude is an immovable object, a totally self-actualized being who sees the world and is unchanged. However, unlike the Warrior, the Dude is devoted to no […]

secretbison |


The magic of Internet memes. Be the man now, dog! Culture is dead. Long live culture! Art isn’t what it used to be. Back in the day, stories were passed […]

secretbison |