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All posts by MessiahDave - 2. page


A very short (1.2 pages in MSword) story about a child’s first day of third grade. Today was my first day of third grade. Ms. Ungnosis is my new teacher. […]

MessiahDave |

Alan Moore

Famed Comic book Author, High Priest of Glycon, And Cosmic Reinterpretationist From Hell. Tom Strong. Watchmen. Alan Moore is thought to be one of, if not the, best writer of […]

MessiahDave |

The Vigilante

A towering, vicious duke with formidable magical and physical power. My TV set hums as I wait for John Walsh to tell me whom to kill. My room is barren, […]

MessiahDave |

The New Colossus

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! For the past 20 years, The Statue of […]

MessiahDave |

Life Cereal

Cosmic Cereal. “Give it to Mikey”, they said. “He hates everything.” They were right. Mikey DID hate everything. Everything. Rice Krispies. Cupcakes. Rain clouds. Kittens. Electrons. Mikey hated everything, and […]

MessiahDave |

“String” Theory

In Cawker City, Kansas, The World’s Largest Ball of Twine holds the truth of the universe. Of course, few know just how big the ball of twine actually is. Originally […]

MessiahDave |