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All posts by stange_person

Capitol G

What’s that letter mean, anymore? The classic Masonic icon is the square and compass, with a letter G in the center. It stands for God, or Geometry, or Gatorade. There […]

stange_person |

The Exceptional Conformist

Some rules are made to be broken. What happens to the guy who follows them anyway? Everybody knows “the Tao that can be spoken is not the true Tao,” right? […]

stange_person |

Luck and the End of History

Forget Nostradamus! Past and future alike are wrought in the medium of marbits. The four initial symbols correspond to plant and animal life, and the static and cyclical elements of […]

stange_person |

Celebrity Clonelord

What does Christopher Lee do when he’s not plotting to rule the world? Now, first of all, everyone knows the Screen Actor’s Guild has been the single most powerful force […]

stange_person |

Introductions: 333 posts

A forum which, among other things, discusses the creation of new universes, just hit a rather significant post count. Of course, this’ll be obsolete any minute now, but isn’t […]

stange_person |

Carbonic acid, alkiline snacks, and the Afterlife

Big things happen in threes, but I don’t like where this is going. Everyone knows Mikey briefly had omnipotent power, and used it to unmake all existence for […]

stange_person |

The Very Model of a Singularitarian

The end is here. The most fundamental human functions have now, officially, been augmented by technology. Reality will never be the same. For the last nine universes, the Comte […]

stange_person |

Finding Frank

When somebody retcons the world, where do you suppose they put the old copy? Know that Hoteleporting thing you guys showed me? Well, Frank and I been trying some weird […]

stange_person |

A brief history of sleeper FUBARs

“Life is full of decisons. Sometimes you make the right ones, and sometimes you have to kill all the witnesses.” Witness the results of the third option. What happens when […]

stange_person |