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All posts by ForgedinDakota


The power of a broken heart. Weepy, whiny, lonely magick. Recusomancy AKA: Heartaches, Broken Hearts, Tearjerks You know the feeling of rock bottom? You can only go up, but that’s […]

ForgedinDakota |

The Disappointment

With great failure comes… great responsibility? Description:Some of this worlds most important responsibilities come with little concern for consent. Fatherhood sneaks up on the best of us, what about the […]

ForgedinDakota |


The magic of mementos, keepsakes and personal treasures. Notamancy Fetishers, Keepsakes The magic of mementos, keepsakes and personal treasures. Other people think that life passes us by, but you know […]

ForgedinDakota |

The Toady

The Crony, the Henchman, the Goon the greatest men in the world need a good loyal Toady Attributes: The Toady is the unnoticed hands of the great minds, crime bosses […]

ForgedinDakota |