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All posts by Faethor

Velvet Chill

Miroslaw Balka’s black hole at Tate Modern is terrifying, awe-inspiring and throught-provoking. It embraces you with a velvet chill. The latest commission in The Unilever Series How It Is by […]

Faethor |

Bimbo mind control

Wisdom from the mouth of Babes? While perusing that esteemed UK gutter tabloid “The Sun” and glancing furtively at the page three stunner I happened to read the models comments. […]

Faethor |

The Bad Penny

You thought a wooden nickel was a pain in the ass (significant artefact). Believed to have been originally produced by a powerful British Entropomancer – If in possession of a […]

Faethor |

Warrior Ring

A old ritual 1 minor charge Warrior rings were rings made from melted spear tips taken from a vanquished enemy, worn on fingers, woven into hair and beards. The more […]

Faethor |

The Dabbler

Peddling the divine for temporal power “Is this all you’ve learned, Morgana? To deal in potions and petty evil”. – Nicol Williamson’s Merlin What a man knows not, he to […]

Faethor |

Route 666 campaign

Time to roll on out to the old 66.6, kick ass for the lord and put down the very devil himself – Road trip !!! …..”This just in, Father Howard […]

Faethor |


Keeping Heretic’s RPG alive Non-entities fascinate me. Once upon a time I found myself in possession of an rpg called Heretics. It was little more then a short run A5 […]

Faethor |

Beholden (Conversation Components)

Breakdown of conversation between newbie players and Mister Razi. Introduction I wondered when you would be calling upon me. My name is Mister Razi and I have experience in problems […]

Faethor |


An introductory scenario to the world of Unseen armies -Dragged kicking and screaming into a hidden world. Inter-related newbie characters come under an attack from a powerful Entropic. Things start […]

Faethor |

The Betrayer

A nasty little Avatar designed for my planned Route 666 campaign Attributes: Nothing is as painful as the sting of betrayal – as moral acts go it is one of […]

Faethor |