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All posts by offiox

Summon Santa Claus

A ritual that must be fulfilled to get Santa to bring presents to your house. This ritual requires a number of actions to be performed before it works, some on […]

offiox |

Debt Dodgers

Gaining magical power through debt. Debtors Minor Charge Recieve a warning about late repayment of a debt. This can be a letter from a bank or utility or an argument […]

offiox |

The Jet Set and The Reds

Two extinct Adept schools from the 1960’s, for a game set in the past, or as background flavour for a modern game. The Jet Set The new wealthy elite seem […]

offiox |


In order to prevent great harm, you must cause it. This ritual allow the generation of a magical panacea that can totally cure any ailment of the body or mind […]

offiox |


In order to prevent great harm, you must cause it. This ritual allow the generation of a magical panacea that can totally cure any ailment of the body or mind […]

offiox |

Cheating Death

A couple of methods for clinging onto life a little longer. The Jet Set This method allows a person to cheat death by travelling against the Earths rotation. They cease […]

offiox |

The Domino Mask

A perfect disguise. This is a fairly normal, felt, black domino mask, which is held on by a string, and goes over the eyes of the wearer. When worn by […]

offiox |

Subways of the World

A guidebook with maps of every public transit system in the world that has at least one underground station. Scribbled notes describe how to get from any one of them […]

offiox |

More Narco-Alchemy Works

Newly approved by the FDA The Deja View This work, when taken, causes the user to vividly experience a single memory in crystal clarity. It feels to them as though […]

offiox |


A minor sub-school of Narco Alchemy that uses the mixing of alcoholic cocktails to change the drinkers state of mind. Known as Mixologists This minor sub-school of N-A deals with […]

offiox |