CW: Stalking, implied domestic abuse and sexual assault There are countless great loves in stories. Romance is an entire genre itself. What these relationships look like vary wildly for each […]
The Bureaucrat
One of the dominant archetypes of the modern world This archetype has a lot of history behind it. It was originally the Despot, the archetypal ruler who doesn’t have any […]
Lady Vengeance
Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned Attributes: Lady Vengeance is the embodiment of the saying “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” She is the woman wronged, […]
The Lord of the Manor
Every man’s home is his castle. Attributes: The Lord of the Manor is the embodiment of the sanctity of the home, and of a man’s power over his home. Despite […]
The Magus (contemporary)
It’s not the seventeenth century any more. I see there is more than one Magus on the site, built around updating the concept of secret knowledge for the modern world. […]
The Stranger
They know what you’ve done and They’re coming for you. Who are They? It doesn’t matter… I’ll be surprised if no-one has done this before, but this idea could not […]
The Faceless Man
Pay no attention to the shadowy figure behind the curtain… The Faceless Man He’s the one you never see, but he’s running the whole show. The Faceless Man is the […]
The Unbound Saint
Is free and works for the freedom of others in many ways. Attributes: The Unbound Saint is much like the Masterless Man, the Flying Woman, and even the Pilgrim, but […]
The Monster – final mix
What does it profit a man to acquire the world and forfeit his soul? –Book of Mark, chapter 8, verse 36 “Nuthin’ worse than a monster who thinks he’s right […]
The Blind Seer
“If any man sees eye to eye with our lord Phoebus, ’tis our prophet, lord Teiresias.” Attributes: You know you want to believe it. Those who are struck with great […]