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Artifact: People Pods (3E)

Power: Significant Description: Small, translucent water-soluble capsules filled with a pale red spongy material, indistinguishable at a glance from those foam dinosaur bath pods you sometimes get at dollar stores. […]

GeatishHouseMafia |

The Conch

“‘And another thing. We can’t have everybody talking at once. We’ll have to have ‘Hands up’ like at school.’ He held the conch before his face and glanced round the […]

Suggins |

That Old Silk Hat

Cross-posted from How to Succeed in RPGs or Die Trying. An artifact for Unknown Armies, third edition. Power: Significant Description: That Old Silk Hat is usually treated as a joke or urban […]

Doktor Anon |

Entropomantic gloves

A sample of the hand-crafted magical artifacts that might be sold by an enterprising bodybag trying to make a bit of spare cash. LOVE GLOVES (minor artifact) These single-use enchanted […]

waitingforgodzi |

Biblical Major Artifacts (redux)

For when your campaign needs a little extra Abrahamic flavor. Besides their listed effects, these items all have incredible symbolic significance for anyone who feels inclined to do ritual magic […]

semicasual |

Biblical Major Artifacts (redux)

For when your campaign needs a little extra Abrahamic flavor. Besides their listed effects, these items all have incredible symbolic significance for anyone who feels inclined to do ritual magic […]

semicasual |

Promethean Ice

A new Significant Work from the Narco-Alchemists Promethean Ice – 3 Days’ Work. Promethean Ice is what happens when Narco-Alchemists get hold of crystal meth. When taken, the user can […]

Waparius |