Mechristopheles posted his feed for the 9/11 Jam on discord (I believe this may have also been shared to the FB group) and it’s a good index of everything that […]
The Order of Armistice, 3E
The Order of Armistice seemed like an early casualty of the Whisperer War. With any allies in the larger cabals busy with their own problems, more and more Warriors began […]
Order of the Eternal Flame (or: I sold my soul to an AI, and all I got was this lousy campaign)
Like many people lately, I’ve been playing around with ChatGPT. First, I asked it for poetry about love of cheesecake, in the styles of both Edgar Allen Poe and William […]
The Order of Armistice (or, Nazi Punchers)
It’s a little more complicated than that, but yeah, Nazi Punchers. In the Fall of 1971, Joshua Covitz (‘Normal’), Denese Kan (Entropomancer), Anisa Mbala (Flying Woman) and Otto Roth (Epideromancer) […]
The High Council
Local Government, Occult Underworld Style The High Council (note, this and the connected cabals all are in the same setting, a city (in my mind Toronto, but you can change […]
The Braille Encyclopaedia
The ultimate book of forbidden knowledge, whose pages and readers are one and the same. Based on Verotica #1, a comic book which I am sure will haunt my nightmares […]
Unusual Incidents Bureau
Real-deal Men In Black. Nothing to see here, move along. Summary If the Sleepers were based in the USA, had a larger budget, and intimidating black suits, they’d be the […]
The Working Group on Satellite Astrology
Satellites are stars. And we’re using them to set your horoscope. On October 4th, 1957, astrology stopped working. That was the day that Sputnik launched. Suddenly, a new star was […]
Just a few artsy girls out for some good old ultraviolence. Co-created by Deathsong. The end of the rave scene hit 101 hard. Some soldiered on, some started cabaret acts, […]
Order of the Final Truth
The most subversive conspiracy of all. (GMs only.) Every day we hear of monsters in human skins, walking amongst us, using their private moments to indulge in the most wicked […]