Airline forced to remove Iron Maiden logo from airplane due to it possibly being “tainted by the evil spirits”. Possibly? For sure! Iron Maiden wear their occult leanings on their […]
Rumors on the Internets
The adepts you find on Internet forums share just as many rumors with each other as adepts everywhere else. Some are true, some are false… If I told you how […]
Outback Steakhouse Pentragram
More High Strangeness With Chain Resturaunts If you match the layout of Outback Steakhouses in Pheonix, AZ. You can find a pentragram. Members of Max Attac have not been […]
Bibliomancy under attack?
And you thought the people who prefered the movie were bad… You’re late, that costs extra. They already did it with Harry Potter, Breaking Dawn, and now The Hobbit, it’s […]
Headline: Half-naked woman in hot pink duct tape attacks, injures 3 cops
Pornomancer meltdown or misguided Flying Woman ascension attempt? You decide. “A half-naked woman wearing hot pink duct tape attacked and injured three police officers in a bizarre incident Saturday night […]
The Orchid In Winter
An average romance novel is abnormally compelling to some people. The Orchid In Winter by “L. L. Kindress” is a romance novel published a few years ago by White Bay […]
Griffin and Sabine
The Gate is open… Some years ago, Nick Bantock wrote a trilogy of books about characters called Griffin and Sabine, lovers who meet by corresponding through letters and postcards, and […]
Bimbo mind control
Wisdom from the mouth of Babes? While perusing that esteemed UK gutter tabloid “The Sun” and glancing furtively at the page three stunner I happened to read the models comments. […]
Velvet Chill
Miroslaw Balka’s black hole at Tate Modern is terrifying, awe-inspiring and throught-provoking. It embraces you with a velvet chill. The latest commission in The Unilever Series How It Is by […]
The East is Red: Musings on the Asian Occult Underground (part 1)
A recording from the files of Thomas Reed, Veteran Avatar of the Chronicler: An interview with a rather knowledgeable stranger about China, the Brotherhood of Harmonious Repose, and other things… […]