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Misc - 4. page

Karl Jung’s Red Book

It has finally been release from that vault in a swiss bank… Ok, just released on the radio news, so have not had time to distill anything much from […]

Sir Cabhán |

The Power of Polaroid

Polaroid is no longer making instant film. What could this mean for the Occult Underground? This is the last production month of Polaroid film for their instant cameras. It’s […]

Caesar Salad |

Night of the Cow

This is either a Max Attax working gone horribly wrong or “Mad Cow Disease” really has made it to the US… Udder Kaos

WeAreThe801 |

God and Gasoline

Washington DC prayer group claims responsibility for drop in petrol prices. Petrol pump pilgrims keep faith A wish fulfilled, brought by an invisible hand. Is it Adam Smith’s metaphorical extremity, […]

Hotel Detective |