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Monthly Archives: May 2004

A Clutch Of Rumours

You ever noticed about Japanese music? and other rumours… You ever noticed about Japanese music? Y’know, them cartoons they have and everything – the CDs they sell out there? It’s […]

M.O.I |

Multiple Shot Firearm Rules – Revised

New and more realistic (read: deadly) multiple shot rules for firearms The multiple shot firearm rules for UA has consistently bothered me. I realize that firearms are deadly enough, but […]

liar |

Real News of the Ocult Underground

From the AP news, as reported by Dump Run Becomes Color-Changing Experience A quick trip to the dump turned two upstate New York men green, reports the Troy, N.Y., […]

InfinityWpi |

A grab-bag of unnatural pests

A few things to go bump in the night… Gobblestops Think Slimer from the ghostbusters, give him a pair of spindly legs to match his arms, and paint him whatever […]

Greykev |

The trouble with towers

A common problem for new cliomancers. Every so often a Cliomancer near the start of his career will try to catch a charge off the Empire State Building, the Sears […]

Ben-San Arizona |