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Archetypes and Avatars

as of now there are 330 archetypes. which means there
are 330 archetypes to embody. here are some of the 330.

1. The Father
2. The Mother
3. The Brother
4. The Sister
5. The Grandmother
6. The Grandfather
7. The Child
8. The Wife
9. The Husband
10. The Politician
11. The Doctor
12. The Friend
13. The Monotheist
14. The Comedian
15. The Teacher
16. The Soldier
17. The Cop
18. The Student
19. The Patriot
20. The Citizen

7 thoughts on “Archetypes and Avatars

  1. TedPro says:

    The Really Slow Person In Front Of You At The Supermarket
    The Kid Who Fell Down The Well And Got Rescued
    The Guy In A Gorilla Costume
    The Guy Who Won The Lottery Twenty-One Years Ago But Who Works In The Car Wash Today
    The Man Who Can’t Dance
    The Twelve Year Old Who Just Got A PhD And Makes You Feel Inadequate
    The Wannabe-Beat Poet Who Hangs Out At The Cafe For Hours and Hours
    The Friendly But Overbearing Waitress At Your Local Diner
    The Guy In Accounting Who Takes Too Long To File Your Expense Reports
    The Dentist
    The Sister Of The Woman You Dated Who You Think You’d Actually Get Along With Better But That Would Be Weird
    The Baseball Statistics Guy
    The Short Macho Guy With An Attitude Problem
    The Really Sincere Woman
    The Guy With Saggy Pants
    The Other Guy With Saggier Pants
    The Quarterback
    The Linebacker
    The Right Tackle
    The Mechanic Who Might Be Overcharging You But Maybe That’s Just How The Business Works
    The Really Hip Person At The Mall
    The Blandly Amusing Guy On TV
    The Mean-Spirited Pre-Teen Thug
    The Pedestrian
    The Best Juggler In The County
    The Stamp Collector
    The Soulless TV Exec

  2. Miniature Wicker Zombu says:

    That Other Guy You Met That One Time In A Bar Who’s Name You Can Never Quite Remember, But Always Tries Starting Up Conversations With You Despite The Fact That Neither Of You Knows Enough About The Other To Really Find Common Ground With, But Who You Feel Kinda Sorry For Because He Must Be Pretty Lonely To Have To Do That Everytime He Sees You
    The Big Boss
    The Fat Guy Who Eats The Much Smaller Guys He Employs In his Fast Food Restaurant
    The Morning Person
    The Mourning Person
    The Cat Lover
    The Kagomi Lover
    The Hamster Humper
    The Flasher
    Your Girlfriend’s Mom Who’s Looks Hotter Than You Girlfriend, Or Maybe You Are Just Feeling A Bit Nervous Before The Wedding
    The Light Weight
    The Heavy
    The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane

  3. Mattias says:

    Oh for fuck’s sake guys, give the dude a break!

    33three, there is a pretty long list in the archives for the UA mailinglist. Get on it and look around, there’s some other good stuff as well…

  4. TedPro says:

    Okay, you’re right on that one. Sorry, 33three.

    I guess I believe pretty strongly that, while it’s rad to know the exact number of archetypes, it’s a number that’s deliberately too high to enumerate easily. That way, every supplement can contain some without ever worrying about topping the number or even coming close, but there’s still few enough that each one is really, really important.

    I really enjoy the unmappedness of the archetypes. To list all 333, or even to list 287 and say the rest haven’t been filled, would spoil something for me.

    I suppose we’ll have to do exactly that when the Invisible Clergy CCG comes out, though.

  5. Miniature Wicker Zombu says:

    it would make a good Mcguffin or character concept for in game, the mcguffin would just be a long list written on a series of envelopes, with some of the avatar names not being canon (just for fun).

    The character concepts would range from a street level jungian psychologist trying to work out all the various archetypes of humanity so as to better understand humanity to a cosmic level guy trying find out all the archetypes because he thinks it will bring about the end of the world/allow him to ascend.

    The sleepers would definatly be interested.

  6. TedPro says:

    Dude, that rules!

    Maybe a Jungian who happens to guess the names “The Flying Woman” and “The Mystic Hermaphrodite” in his college paper on literary figures, puts them in a list with a bunch of other archetypes, and what do you know, he’s got Forsythes pounding on his door!

  7. maijin says:

    Hmm…what about The MacGuffin as an avatar? Someone who is part of things going on, but doesn’t actually do anything?


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