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The magic of the artist. Another minor, easy school.

You are one of the few inspired by a true muse. You follow the choppy, difficult, beautiful path of an artist.

You create! You walk through the world gathering back experiences, then bring them home and make them into beauty.

And the beauty of your work is pure, never crass or sullied by pandering. You do not create art for an audience. You create art for Art.

There’s a lot of people who call themselves artists, but they don’t have the devotion you do. You immerse yourself in your art.

You immerse yourself so much that you leave reality behind. You keep your true self stashed away for nobody to see. What walks around in the world is not you. You’re kept safely inside your art. What walks around in the world is a you-shaped emptiness, waiting to be filled with experience. With your muse.

And in that abandonment, there is power.

Generate a minor charge: Work on your art for three hours. This could be music, writing, sculpture, poetry, performance, painting, or whatever. Any creative field will do, so long as you create original work. It definitely doesn’t have to be any good.

(Heronimancy does not generate significant or major charges.)

Taboo: Your art is for you alone. If anyone else reads your writing, sees your paintings, hears your music, or the like, you immediately lose all charges. You can still write letters and sign your name, of course, as long as you don’t share anything creative or expressive.

Blast: You visualize the victim twisted into impossible angles, then force a little of that vision onto reality. One of the victim’s joints suddenly twists out of place, injuring the victim. A doctor would see the injury as a sudden sprain, twist or joint dislocation.

Symbolic Tension: The Heronimancer defines his life in terms of his art, but separates art from life. Creating art for the world to observe takes a back seat to “being an artist.”

Random Magic: Identity and the fabled True Self.

Charging Tips: You can’t have any kind of creative job without breaking taboo, so mostly likely you can earn about 2-5 charges per week in your spare time. If you manage to find a way to pay your bills without a day job, you can generate 2-3 charges a day.

Starting Charges: 5 minor

Minor Formulas

I’m an Artist
1 minor charge
For the next five minutes, you carry an intense aura of creative brilliance. Others will immediately recognize that you are an artist of tremendous talent. This gives you a +30% bonus to appropriate Charm and Lie rolls.

Character Sketch
2 minor charges
Spend a full day making art about someone. (This doesn’t gain you any charges, because it’s part of the formula.) You don’t need to have anything more than a vague idea of the person. In the process of crafting and planning your art, you’ll discover the subject’s Obsession and Passions. This is similar in effect to the first-level channel of the Avatar of the Confessor.

Vision of Glory
2 minor charges
Spend a day creating art which depicts you succeeding at some task. (This doesn’t gain you any charges, because it’s part of the formula.) You can flipflop a single roll while performing the task in the same manner as your creation, as long as it’s within a month.

Redraw You Badly
3 minor charges
This is the Heronimancy minor blast. It does damage equal to the sum of the dice.

Not Me
4 minor charges
You abandon your identity, and others ignore you too. The effects are identical to the dipsomancy formula Just a Harmless Drunk.

2 thoughts on “Heronimancy

  1. Hatchet says:

    I like this one. Art-based magick…I think this would be better as a mordern school, not a post-modern, like, when there were all those little types of -isms in art in the first half of the 20th century.

    Or perhaps Heronimancy is the post-modern remainder of that once-powerful art magick?

  2. TedPro says:

    I see what you mean, Hatchet. It’s more of a modern school than post-modern. I think the symbolic tension still holds into the 21st century, though.

    This is another minimalist, easy-to-learn, not-too-powerful school intended for new players, like Myomancy and Viamancy. These are really fun to write.


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