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The Unmaker

A very powerfull artifact, worth killing for…..

This thing is similar to Robin’s “The Clandestine Gun”, but i post it anyway….
When i was a child, i had lots of odd “mindgames”. You know “what would happen if…”-thought experiments, and one of them was the Gun You Can Kill Freely With.
Yeah that could be disturbing for someone, but just think about it, if you had a gun with 6 bullets that can be shot at anything, or anybody without the risk of faceing justice, how would you use the thing?

The Unmaker (Major Artifact)

“Let me tell you something about this….thing… you asking around about here, lad! Come’ere take a sit, and buy this old wanker a wee pint, becouse im not drunk enough to talk about stuff like that in public and walk away… without an unhealthy measure of suspicion, Ye see. The weapon in question is but a myth even in the ol’ Underground, and storys connected to it are nothing but rumors, but as the tall tale tells… it came into the picture in the last years of the Civil War.
(Thanks for the pint ladie! You should have one yerself too, ye know against suspicion…. )
So… they say it was stolen from a deserting Union Officer who had enough of the bloodshed, and happend to be a Dipsomancer and were stone drunk when the act was commited by a street urchin named…. uuuhhmmm….. Johny… yeah that was his name. He was a bad seed all along his miserable life, and he needed the gun to kill another scum of the streets his former mate, who humiliated him before the whole town… you know how things like that go… He waited for him in an ally, and when the poor bastard showed up, he took a shot BAMM!!! But his aim was so poor, he…..
(Oh…yer too kind to me mate, i drink this to yer good health…)
So the wretched thing been shot in the guts, and started crawling in the dirt bleeding from the wound toward the crowded saloon. He made it past the door, spilling blood everywhere and whining like a pig just to notice…. heck… that’s the point, nobody noticed him. The saloon was full of humble townsfolk, and there was he bleeding, crying for help, and people just went right by him, like if he wasn’t there. He died there agonizing in pain hours later, while everybody else was chating, and drinking above his corpse…
Yeah! Bit of a story eh? A weird one too. Next morning the barman took out his body with the garbage, and didn’t said a word to anybody about it. Why, you ask? Becouse to him, and to anybody else it was just waste, junk. But not to Johny, who saw the whole thing. And after another murder comited in a fight, he started to realize that the gun ‘unmake’ his victims, erase them from memory, and even from sight. Except to him, and as he later learned the Witnesses. Yep, he was hanged after he shoot down some guy on the plain street where everybody could see him. After that, the gun showed up in lotsa’ places in lotsa’ hands as the legend say… but nobody knows who was killed with it… obviously.
(…what a gentleman ye are, treat this ol’geezer with such’a kindness…another pint down the gutter)
It looks like a plain 6 shot Colt Army model, a bit weatherd, and said that there are markings along its side counting the murderers used it. Its also said that every time it gets into someones holding, its always loaded with six .44 bullets with the name of its current owner carved into them. After all six shot had been taken, it cannot be reloaded, with any other ammo at all, ye can’t pull the trigger they say… except when someone of pure heart try to use it in the defence of their loved ones… the pistol takes mercy on them and it become loaded no matter what… strange isn’t it.
From the stories it glooms out that the weapon has his own “law”, and judge those who use it. The murderous ones will be marked for life with a little black “X” on their foreheads, after they took someones life with the gun. And even if there were no any Witnesess, they still will be treated with mischief by others for the end of their days. ( -30% for any social realated tests, and any matches they get on these will be faild ones no matter what) And it has a whole bunch off other usefull abilities acording to the legend… but i see your sleepy… i finish your ale too, if ye don’t mind…

….Mate! We took some of our sweet time here i think, you didn’t look so bold as you came in here…and not so straight either…..hah….. now come on i help ye to yer feet…. you see this is why you had to be cautious with stuff like this. There are lotsa wankers who would do anything to put their hand on it…. so keep it down next time will’ya. And start drinkin’ properly, ye can’t call yerself a man until ye can’t handel a wee pint or two…
Cheers, mate!

One thought on “The Unmaker

  1. Unknown_VariableX says:

    And this is why I don’t drink. Hehehe.


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