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The ma-na-ma-na curse

A meaningless little curse with some nice side effects.

First of all I wrote this in Msc because its not really big enough to be used as a ritual. It doesnt cost anything from the baselevel but you can always spice it up a notch and make it more potent.

The ma-na-ma-na curse

Yeah you know that song from the muppets? The one that went “ma-na-ma-na – du-duu-di-du-du”. Basicly if you just sing the ma-na-ma-na part to anyone they will most oftenly respond by filling in the du-duu-di-du-du almost unconciously. Its like the shave and a hair cut piece but not so obvious. I just wanted to throw in something that has very obvious real world effect.

Why is this a curse? One might think that its usefullness, beyond simply making someone say du-duu-di-du-du, is non existent. But in fact that song can stay in your head all day kinda playing continously in the back of your skull forcing you to sing it. By investing some minor charges into it you can easily make it worse.

At no cost can you break someones concentration with the curse. If he or she is doing something like playing videogames with you (yours truly has used to it to great effect while playing Tekken btw) or something else that demands his or hers concentration the use of the curse should demand a secondary roll of mind to see if is his or hers concentration is broken. Using it on someone casting a spell is probably horribly effective since that would require a secondary roll.
If you throw in a minor charge and accept a simple casting roll you can get that song to stick in your victims head making every action that demands his or her absolute concentration more difficult. The duration of the spell is that entire day until the victim goes to sleep. Every night the victim has to roll Mind to see if it gets “unstuck”. If he or she succeeds with the roll its gone – but if he or she fails with the roll the next day will demand the same kind of “double rolls” as the last.

Remember that the spell only forces the victim to do double rolls when it comes to situations that demands complete concentration. The situation has to be one where you can be easily distracted. Fire fights and car chases aren’t included since anything less than a loud bang or a semi going the wrong way down the street wont bother the driver/shooter.

Oh and of course you can use other songs like “shave and a hair cut” or for that matter Kylie Minogues song “Can’t get you out of my head” (seriously that song in itself should have its own article here)

2 thoughts on “The ma-na-ma-na curse

  1. Sonnlich says:

    That has definite potential. Who says rituals need to be big things? A little ritual for a small effect which, used judiciously, could be very, very useful.

    And you can cast it at range, clearly, since I now have the Kylie Minogue song stuck in my head…

  2. rekyl says:

    It sure is a devilish thing this curse 🙂

    “can’t get you out of my head, boy your all that I …”

    Maybe there should be like a risk factor with casting it. I mean if you cast the Kylie Minogue version you sure as hell will get it stuck in your head aswell…


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