Looking for players of all skill levels to participate in an online campaign. GM’s, players, and anyone with any good ideas are welcome. If you have any thoughts on how to run an online campaign, your ideas are appreciated.
You can always run one using WebRPG or in the few remaining MUX’s that will host tabletop-style games. Then there’s always IRC.
I’m in the process of setting up my own MUX server for hosting tabletop games because my usual gaming group now lives about 2 hours south of me. I’m still coding dice code and whatnot at the moment, but it’s a pretty good way to go. You can download a port of TinyMUX for just about any operating system at http://www.tinymux.org
Thanks i really appreciate it. What size group do you think i should have. i don’t seem to be getting the response that i was hoping for.
Sorry to reply so late.
What size group? I don’t know, really, what would you feel comfortable with? I personally prefer around 3 to 4 people. It’s a little easier to keep track of things with a smaller group, especially if you’re new to GMing.
Have you decided on what… eh, platform I suppose you’d say… to play on?
i was thinking to have an aim group chat session until i got this MUX thing figured out.
i might be interested in being in the game… depending on when and how it is run. i have never been in an rpg over the internet, seems an interesting idea
if anyone is interested please email me directly at
I’ve run Unknown Armies online before. It was pretty good. We used OpenRPG.
I have described the difference between online and face-to-face gaming as being like the difference between reading a book and watching a movie. There are good and bad points to both, depending on who you are.
uh what happened? I thought you were going to run a game but communication broke down. might have been caused by an email problem or some other delay
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