I had an idea to make a Unknown Armies Mush. For those of you who don’t know what that it. Its basically a text based game that uses straight tabletop rules and judges. I would best describe it as a constant social environment with plot run by storytellers when they are available.
So my question is. How much could I use to put together this online game without pushing in on copy right. I would like to explain how to make a character and a bit about the universe, but I don’t know what steps on toes and whats cool. I was also hoping to get some support from the fan base here to help me player test and maybe get some staff on board to keep the game rolling.
If anyone is interested and if someone could help me get a handle on this copy right stuff maybe we can even get a small backing from Atlas, I know Hero’s games backs another mush i work on. So let me know!
Interesting in the Idea – But I have no Idea how the Copy Right works.
Why don’t you talk to other people who have done the same thing ?
Wizards let their D20 be incorporated into a lot of things, so look for a group and ask ^^ Though asking The Admin of the Site works too, he helped design UA, etc.
As long as you don’t charge money, host advertising, etc. on the MUSH, it’s fine with me. Just include an acknowledgement on your site that Unknown Armies is the intellectual property of Greg Stolze & John Tynes and that your MUSH is an unofficial and unlicensed project.
Thanks, I think if some people wanna get together I’ll be kicking this project off soon. Awesome to hear from the legend himself!
Well I am in the process of getting everything ready for player testing, though with my weeks vacation coming this Saturday i’ll be in a pinch to put up anything yet. But I’ve gotten a server with a static (or atleast sticky) address and I think i’ll atleast be ready for some tinkering around with by the end of the month. Please e-mail me if anyone is interested in helping out at all. I figured if I can get atleast some players in there, staff will come later and we can see if we have something worth keeping!. Keep in touch!
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