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An Inquisitor Is Born

Not everybody in the TNI is a freakshow. Some people even started out normal… Morning is always the worst. Waking up remains a daily brutality. There’s always a brief moment […]

Zombied00d |

Slab City (NYT Reg required)

Community of senior citizens exists in the desert under its own rule of law? What’s not UA about this? “Slab City is not so sinister as it is a strange, […]

Punkey |


Getting away with murder. Nickname: jackboots You know that violence is wrong. People have a right to be physically safe. You uphold that freedom, and in that sense you’re a […]

TedPro |

“How To Talk To People”

Does exactly what it says on the cover. You’d never guess by looking that this was a magical artifact at all. It’s a book. Not a giant tome with flaking […]

Hyphz |


Phone magic. Nicknames: Phone Phreaks, Operators You probably thought you were shy. People never seemed right to you while you were with them. Truth told, you’re not shy at all […]

TedPro |


Anyone who tells you they’re a Humilimancer is lying. Anyone who wants to be a Humilimancer will fail. Nickname: Laughingstocks When you resist attention, there is a flush of energy. […]

TedPro |

The Freeworker

An archetype not yet ascended, based on the idea(l)s of the Open Source movement… The Freeworker This archetype was created for my current campaign, and is based on my reading […]

Robin |

The Room of Past Revisited

The best way to deal with your past is to face it head on… Room of Past Revisited Premise: People don’t like to remember bad memories, it’s a basic psychological […]

Punkey |

Lost Words

Ever wonder why books are missing words? There is an astounding number of books in this world. In the modern age getting books published seems a matter of relative ease, […]

Kheldar Luna |

Telephone Tag

Any problem can be solved with the right phone call. The first part is finding the right place to call from. There are spots all over the place where your […]

Ben-San Arizona |