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The Faceless Lord

The Archetype for those too parnoid to leave fingerprints…. The Faceless Lord (v1.0, will improve soon) Attributes: One of the greatest powers imaginable is invisibility: anonymity without impotence. It can […]

Moloch |

Fridge Poetry

Strange verse found stuck to a fridge one morning… When seven people enter their kitchens and find the same poem stuck to their refrigerators in identical magnetic word sets, something’s […]

Moloch |

The Odomancer

Mystics of the road, odomancers follow highways, trails, ley lines, and urban labyrinths to enlightenment. Each of us is a point moving through space. We pilot our bodies along the […]

M. Norwood |

the stranger in the white suit

Have you seen the strange graffiti down in the subway? “Have you seen the strange graffiti down in the subway? You know which one I’m talking about. It’s not every […]

Stanoje Zupunski |

Mrs. Tanningworth’s kittens

The crazy old cat lady has a secret or two… There’s loopy old lady with dozens of cats who lives in a rundown house a few blocks away. No phone […]

Daniel Solis |

The Clandestine Gun

An untraceable gun that seeks out the downtrodden and helps them vent their anger… In the 1880s Howell Ferguson was a renowned arms manufacturer catering to an audience with special […]

Robin |

The Unwritten Word

A ritual which lets the target of the spell disappear from any kind of record now extant or made in future. This ritual hails from the dawn of recorded history; […]

Robin |

The Mystery Man

Capes and Cloaks and Masks, oh my! Inigo: “Who are you?” The Man in Black: “No one of consequence.” Inigo: “I must know.” The Man in Black: “Get used to […]

Chad Underkoffler |

The Theurgist

Practitioners of psuedo old-school summoning magick. Theurgy is the product of the hermetic revivalist and spiritualist movements of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, and a less than successful […]

Simon Foston |