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Dennis Grant, Seeker of Strength

An epideromantic martial artist. Dennis Grant worships strength. He grew up weak and sickly, with a father that mocked him for it. He made it worse by training harder than […]

Sanctaphrax |


The power of loneliness. Loneliness is a strange and terrible thing. Humans are social creatures, and we define ourselves according to the ways that other people see us. This keeps […]

Sanctaphrax |

Tyrell Johnson, World Champion

The MVP of MMA. Tyrell grew up shiftless and lazy. His nice upper-middle-class professional parents loved him, but they were always somewhat…disappointed. Though he was very athletic, he never seemed […]

Sanctaphrax |

Bibliomancy rev. ed.

Most of the bookworms I know aren’t dignified aficionados of first editions, they’re omnivorous packrats. Bibliomancers of this type don’t care about the quality of the books they own, and […]

Auclaire |


Abstracting the empirical world into pure mathematical truth. Also magic. Nickname: Savants (or idiot savants if you’re in a pissy mood) Mathematics is a quest for complex, quantified abstract truth. […]

TedPro |

Mathemancy (updated)

Abstracting the world into pure numerical truth. Nickname: Savants (or idiot savants if you’re in a pissy mood) Mathematics is a quest for complex, quantified abstract truth. Mathemancy takes that […]

TedPro |


Balloon Magic. A minor school of surprises. Nickname: Party Clowns Who can look at a balloon and not see magic? It floats! It flies! It reminds us of childhood and […]

TedPro |

Hello Beijing, we are Anonymous

Break the (fire)walls down! Here’s an idea for a cosmic level campaign set in Beijing… The idea involves Anyomous (that proud rebel hacker group) pulling the ultimate stand against the […]

ryu238 |

Tip of the Iceberg 2

Who are you if you are in fact no one, yet still someone? “P is for what?” The man asked as he entered the room through the door marked, “P,” […]

Enochian |