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Rules tweak: consecrated avatars

For the more obsessed in the avatar crowd If you’re consciously following an avatar path, you can mystically consecrate yourself to your chosen archetype. Then your avatar skill becomes your […]

Auclaire |

The Yellow Prince

For a reasonable price, He’ll be you. The Yellow Prince in His Own Words . I would like to offer you a deal. For a time you will allow me […]


The High Council

Local Government, Occult Underworld Style The High Council (note, this and the connected cabals all are in the same setting, a city (in my mind Toronto, but you can change […]


Mr. Teeth

Everything has price, and his will hurt Mr. Teeth What’s does Mr. Teeth look like? Well, he was well dressed, nice suit, but nothing flashy. His face? Dark hair, dark […]


The Lord of the Manor

Every man’s home is his castle. Attributes: The Lord of the Manor is the embodiment of the sanctity of the home, and of a man’s power over his home. Despite […]

Rufus |

The Magus (contemporary)

It’s not the seventeenth century any more. I see there is more than one Magus on the site, built around updating the concept of secret knowledge for the modern world. […]

Auclaire |

The Stranger

They know what you’ve done and They’re coming for you. Who are They? It doesn’t matter… I’ll be surprised if no-one has done this before, but this idea could not […]

Corpse Speaker |

The Chthonomancer

AKA: Bearers of Antigone (pronounced anTI-gunny), Antigonites, Guilt-Trippers, Tear-Jerks, Antigones (pronounced “anti-gones”), PETH (People for the Ethical Treatment of Hellspawn), Cobweb Blights, Atlanteans From the Sleepers’ general dossier on demons […]

MrSluagh |