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Shades of Gray in Wii Games

I don’t know what it’s all about. I dont know if it’s been posted, questioned, or answered yet, but finding an answer to this question has been pretty hard, as […]

Russell |


The perfect predator. You are not just a shark – you’re the biggest shark. To kill is to dominate. To destroy is to hold power. The way to understand something […]

TedPro |


I clean messes. It’s what I do. 2003 was a shitty year for me. Up until that point, I was a man’s man. And a boy’s man. And, of course, […]

MessiahDave |

Another major charge collected!

Man cuts off right hand for goddess (And major charge),22049,22169814-5001028,00.html From correspondents in Kathmandu July 31, 2007 11:28pm A YOUNG man in Nepal today chopped off his right hand […]

CriticalFault |

The Imperfect Father

Men whose source of magick is their own children’s misery, by incompetence or a sinister lust for power. Brief Note: I don’t know if this has been done before, but […]

Magicwillnz |

Feeding the Urban Beast

Or why junk mail is your friend… Junk mail is what keeps Cities sated. Of course, that’s a huge generalisation, any Urbanomancer will tell you that, but it’s true enough […]

GlauG |

Fuzzy Grim Reaper

A cat who can sense the approach of death I think he sits around waiting for people to die so he can eat their soul.

vagina = fun! |

Swimming pool theft?

A swimming pool stolen with all the water, and not a drop dripped. Seems like something unnatural happened here.

vagina = fun! |

Things I hope aren’t true

There are some things that even the Occult Underground doesn’t like to think about Not all children are really children. Some of them are pedophiles practicing a form of Personomancy. […]

Dominus |