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The Way to Tomorrow

A Scrying artefact creation ritual … What Do You See Now? The Average White Band With a typically Scottish sense of irony, the Average White Band were so named because, […]

Chris G. |

Diamond Dust

A mystic and unpleasant jeweller. Born Dusty Fredrickson in 1966, Diamond Dust might as well have been fated to become an adept. His mother experimented a lot with drugs during […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Halloween Hodown

Because you can’t spell “Halloween” without “fnord.” The 666th frame of every Halloween-themed movie, cartoon, or TV special depicts a basement with a corpse moldering in the corner; these frames […]

KriegsaffeNo9 |


My pain is a sacrament, through which I will ease the pain of the suffering… “Flagellants” To live is to sin. The only way to cleanse thyself of sin is […]

Moko |

Magickal hiding

As seen on the Mak Attax mailing list. Return-Path: X-Sent: 27 Oct 1990 02:58:19 GMT Subject: Hiding from the Sleepers Date: Sat, 27 Oct 1990 19:58:11 –0700 x-sender: (undisclosed) […]

Qualia |

Rumors form the East

Some of these are based on actual events… 1.) In the countryside, every orchard has a man with a assault rifle guarding it. It’s his job to keep menstruating or […]

Asiatic |


An Epideromancer’s Pet Project. The only known natural (or unnatural) enemy to tenembrae were made by a Fleshworker named Rodney Kevin Sykes in 2003. Using a bunch of hamsters bought […]

Unknown_VariableX |

The Unnatural Creatures Campaign

It’s what happens when PCs get ahold of the Homunculus and Unnatural Servant rituals…. This is something that just occurred to me. It sent me into a hysterical bout of […]

Basilisk |