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Bibliomancy under attack?

And you thought the people who prefered the movie were bad… You’re late, that costs extra. They already did it with Harry Potter, Breaking Dawn, and now The Hobbit, it’s […]

Endless_Sorcerer |

Biblical Major Artifacts (redux)

For when your campaign needs a little extra Abrahamic flavor. Besides their listed effects, these items all have incredible symbolic significance for anyone who feels inclined to do ritual magic […]

semicasual |

Biblical Major Artifacts (redux)

For when your campaign needs a little extra Abrahamic flavor. Besides their listed effects, these items all have incredible symbolic significance for anyone who feels inclined to do ritual magic […]

semicasual |

Slip Kid

Some kid who lives in the California desert part of the year It’s about time you got here! You’re lucky refills are free– since you’re paying for this meal. Why? […]

Blupe |

Biblical Major Artifacts

For campaigns that need a little extra Abrahamic touch. Besides their listed effects, these items all have incredible symbolic significance for anyone who feels inclined to do ritual magic with […]

semicasual |


Superstitious people are often afraid of crows. Heralds of bad tidings, so goes tradition. But then, that sort of thing isn’t real, now is it? Cornixomancers are obsessed with crows. […]

Devonte |

The Monster – final mix

What does it profit a man to acquire the world and forfeit his soul? –Book of Mark, chapter 8, verse 36 “Nuthin’ worse than a monster who thinks he’s right […]

VandalHeartX |

Promethean Ice

A new Significant Work from the Narco-Alchemists Promethean Ice – 3 Days’ Work. Promethean Ice is what happens when Narco-Alchemists get hold of crystal meth. When taken, the user can […]

Waparius |