This site now has 750 submissions from Unknown Armies fans, and they just keep coming. New material and discussion appears every week. It’s impressive as hell, and I’m really glad […]
Mak attacks going overboard?
Has Mak attacks gone too far this time. I found this news article that makes me think that Mak attacks is making the general public always talk to an adept. […]
To gain control over reality, one must detatch oneself from reality and, in doing so, eventually loose touch with it… Nickname: Mechs ___Mechamancers create wearable ‘mecha’ parts, modelling those parts […]
When people think you’re infirm, you can get away with anything. You gain tremendous permission when you’re sick, or injured, or disabled – or, in your case, willing to pretend […]
Teh UNknown Armies Newsletter
Be careful the secrets it contains aren’t yours… If you’re reading this, I’m already dead; so consider this my vengeance from beyond the grave. I’m not the type to just […]
The Free Artist
Express yourself! Aka The High Artist, aka The Street Artist, aka The Starving Artist Some people perform art to pay the rent, to put food on the table or too […]
The Damsel in Distress
The beauty and power of helplessness. Despite the name, both men and women can channel this archetype. Male Damsels in Distress are still called Damsels in Distress. The Damsel in […]
Dead Man Walking
A trigger event with a Southern drawl. I was a kid when I saw the Dead Man, sitting around a bar with my pa, somewhere deep in the South. We’d […]
You versus the Wordsmith
… … … knowing all the different definitions of a word is extremely important. oh ya want to be like this archetype too ? well it’s gonna be hard. why […]
The Blind Seer
In the country of the one-eyed, the blind man is king. Attributes: The Blind Seer is the witness and the watcher. It stands impassive, to record and retell, mired in […]