According to homeopathic principles, one tiny dose is all you need to get back to your normal, healthy baseline. Every junkie already knows this. Nicknames: Homies, Quacks, Placebomancers. Many homeopathic […]
Vomit-related magic. Probably the grossest magical school I’ve written. It’s believed that the first adept of this school was trying to learn dipsomancy, but somehow learned something else instead. Since […]
Duncan Anders-Occult Biographer
Telling the stories of the Occult Underground and the people who live in it. Duncan Anders-Occult Biographer It started with Kerouac. On the Road\ was a revelation to the voracious […]
Saint Morgellon’s Hospital
An otherspace that turns its occupants into epideromancers. I posted this on the UA mailing list a while ago, when someone brought up the topic of Otherspaces that transform their […]
The Monster
What does it profit a man to acquire the world and forfeit his soul? –Book of Mark, chapter 8, verse 36 “What does it profit his soul, should one man […]
Designing Cosmic Archetypes for Beginners
Want to make your own avatar class? Here’s some help. Before I begin, I want to offer my deepest apologies to John Tynes, Greg Stolzye, and everyone else who was […]
Headline: Naked Man Allegedly Eating Victim’s Face Shot And Killed By Miami Police
Miami’s a bad place for people with faces right now. “The officer…approached and saw that the naked man was actually chewing the other man’s head, according to witnesses. The officer […]
Headline: Half-naked woman in hot pink duct tape attacks, injures 3 cops
Pornomancer meltdown or misguided Flying Woman ascension attempt? You decide. “A half-naked woman wearing hot pink duct tape attacked and injured three police officers in a bizarre incident Saturday night […]
Headline: Vial of Ronald Reagan’s Blood on Auction
No magical medicine cabinet would be complete without one. But is the benefit for the buyer, or the seller? ‘An on-line auction site is hoping to find out by selling […]
Spinal adjustments as magickal power. Would you like a free consultation? Nickname: Spinecrackers Something snaps in a person’s spine, at your hands. They feel dizzy, possibly nauseous, as their body […]