An archetype not yet ascended, based on the idea(l)s of the Open Source movement… The Freeworker This archetype was created for my current campaign, and is based on my reading […]
The Room of Past Revisited
The best way to deal with your past is to face it head on… Room of Past Revisited Premise: People don’t like to remember bad memories, it’s a basic psychological […]
Lost Words
Ever wonder why books are missing words? There is an astounding number of books in this world. In the modern age getting books published seems a matter of relative ease, […]
Telephone Tag
Any problem can be solved with the right phone call. The first part is finding the right place to call from. There are spots all over the place where your […]
What you say about the future can change the future. Nickname: Heralds To speak the future is to own it. A Prodromancer gains power by making predictions and announcements of […]
Dead Man Talking
A radio to God…or maybe a tape deck of the damned… Now, I know a lot of us chuckle when someone talks about ‘science’, secure in the knowledge that we’re […]
The Philosopher
Behold the power of the Thinking Man. The Philosopher Description: The Philosopher is one of the oldest of the archetypes. Wherever man sits down and wonders why he is here, […]
We can’t fail. Time is on our side. Chronomancers A.K.A. ‘Clockers’ Chronomancers are easy to recognise. If you see someone walking down the street without a care in the world, […]
Modern Avatars?
Who’s channelling what? Who can tell these days… Mad. They’re all mad, you know. I was browsing around the ‘net, y’know, like you do, and I came across this message […]
“We will all burn together when we burn!” -Tom Lehrer Nickname: Doomsayers World War II changed everything. Suddenly, death was something that could come to everyone at once instantly, launched […]