10 tapes found in the Occult Underground; some are still circulating. Some have the keys to ancient secrets. Some are Beta-Max. Ten tapes found, over the course of fifteen years, […]
Ignacio’s last stand
A revolver, a rose, and a bottle of piss. Sorry if the writing is unclear, the whole thing got started as a reoccurring joke (the bottle of piss outside the […]
Avatars — The Matchmaker
You may, tragically, never find true love, but you are the catalyst that helps spark lasting relationships between others. While others talk about romance, you act. •< The Match-Maker >• […]
the One Ring
That’s right, the Tolkien one. No, I haven’t found it. The damn thing’s last reported location is still “plummeting,” and that was an age and a half ago. I’m willing […]
Unknown Armies LARP rules
Player version of GNOSIS’ UA LARP rules. Heyho, To quench your thirst as you are waiting for official UA LARP rules (if that’s your thing- BTW, Greg, how’s that project […]
The Scratch and Wish Ticket
Five chances to win on one ticket! The Scratch and Wish Ticket was bought in 1990 in a 7-11 by a college student with a lotto addiction. The ticket looks […]
Crossing boundaries is always best with company …. There’s always a point where I go too far. I can feel it coming, when my fist impacts your face like putty, […]
The Male Lover
The Ascended Romeo. This is a rough draft of the “male lover” archtype I’m working on for a campaign. The description isn’t great, but that’s probably ok: just imagine Romeo […]
File Folder Character Sheet
Character sheet designed to look like a pair of file folders. Graciously hosted by Liam Routt
Random Rumors
Some tidbits for your players The Mafia is forming an Occult Undergound-hunting team. They’re based in the Red Herring Canning Factory. There’s a really crazy duke in Kansas City who […]