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Dipper Magick from Jonny Aitchless

A few dipsomancer spells for your magick pleasure Jonny Aitchless has discovered a bunch of handwritten dipsomancy spells and they’re all yours for fifty bucks… The Two-Beer Trick Cost: 1minor […]

Insect King |

Ritual Alchemy

Ritual Alchemy is the tepid remants of the greatest of the mystic arts. Ritual Alchemy isn’t a defined school in UA, even though it once was the pinnacle of trancendental […]

Insect King |

The Charioteer

This is the archetype of the Lord of Wheels, Road, Sea and Sky. Attributes: The charioteer is often seen one of the sidekicks of the archetypes, he is a testament […]

Insect King |

The Grotesque Libertine

Faster than you can shoot, he will sit your ass down in that wheelchair, permanently… Attributes: The Grotesque Libertine is the living embodiment of the undeserving cripple and the self-loathing […]

Insect King |

The Insect King Rituals

Here is a collection of rituals used in my Working Babalon UA game. They were supposed to be slung around by the L.A.’s own Rosy Crucifers and the OAO. AS […]

Insect King |

Surges: New Horrors.

Surges: sudden lurches in the motion of the cosmos, giving birth to a new species. Blame Playboy and Einstein. SURGES The Surges are seldom written, but are vastly spread through […]

Mr Unlucky |

The Throne Room

Welcome to the House of Renunciation. Have a seat. Everyone wants to be famous. The power, the money, the hordes of adoring fans who would give anything just to be […]

Reed |

Haddonfield, Illinois

It’s not on the maps… Haddonfield, Illinois does exist, but you can’t find it on any map and no one beleives in it. It’s become just another piece of fiction. […]

Jaculi |


Don’t piss me off NOTE: If no one has thought of this, I’m a bit surprised. If they have, consider this my take on it. Rageomancy AKA, Hate mongers, Hernias, […]

Reed |

State of the Union

Get a stopwatch If you watch every State of the Union Adress since it’s been filmed and available on tape, you’ll see that halfway through–exactly halfway through–the President always says […]

Reed |