Last week, I was over at Dead Eddie’s and ….. So last week, I was over at Dead Eddie’s in Cleveland, and a pornomancer struts in. No this isn’t a […]
Ebay “Wiccan Spells” CDs
Not all these CDs are sucker jobs for teenygoths. Some of them are real! Anyone in the Occult Underground knows that any person selling CDs with “Magick Spells” on them […]
Weird Russia
Two links with stories about present-day Russia, its beliefs and secrets A couple of links about weirdnesses of today Russia, featuring: cui prodest the rampaging pyramid-power-madness? why does the icon […]
Weird science from Russia … a girl with x-ray eyes?
Pravda means truth, or does it? The science section of the English version of Pravda sometimes carries reports of the weird and unnatural. For instance, there’s a report about […]
Social workers for torture. Needs work, but I like it. The Karmamancer Aka Sadists, Vigilantes Nothings going to change the world, but someone’s going to rule it. We […]
Burning California
What, you didn’t really think it was just an accident, did you? Remember those big fires in Northern California a while back? The ones that burned for weeks? And how […]
UA Chargen Crib Sheet.
Just a homemade crib sheet for character generation I did in Open Office and exported to PDF… You can either go to the UA Downloads page at my site at: […]
By way of warning
have you seen The Ring well it kinda happened to me… I offer this as a warning, some friends of mine invited me to hang out with them New Year’s […]
Magic Pockets
A weird jacket The Jacket of Magic Pockets was created by a plutomancer. The original aim was to make a magic pocket so that all his money would automatically be […]
The Everyday Man
Everything you know is normal. This has probably been suggested before, but I figure I can submit my version. The Everyday Man is an archetype anyone will recognise. He works […]