Take a look at this image ! The french company “7ème Cercle” is preparing the translation of the second edition of UA. But, another brick in the wall, they’re finishing […]
Watkins & Marchand, Private Investigators
The oddest odd-couple PI buddy team. Ted Watkins and Justine Marchand are a pair of private investigators–real, no-fooling PIs with licenses and all that–with a taste for the weird. They […]
The Stoic
This world can only hurt you if you let it… The Stoic “Who then is the invincible? It is he whom none of the things disturb which are independent of […]
Authentic Dramaturgy (aka Dramamancy)
It’s not just for theaters anymore, kids… (aka gossips, busybodies, doormats, dramamancers) According to the American Heritage Dictionary, dramaturgy is “The art of dramatic composition and representation.” The Authentic Dramaturges […]
Cult told my son he was a werewolf
A QUASI-religious cult is using the Internet to recruit teenagers http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,7810558%5E26462,00.html .
Mystic Sh!t Monte
A look at the cards will tell your new characters where they’ve been…and the GM where they might be going… When making new characters, a clever way to generate some […]
Lava Lamps caused the Occult Underground Explosion
Ever wondered what caused the Occult Underground Explosion of the 1960’s? It was Matmos and the Lava Lamp… You know, ever since my mum got a lava lamp, she and […]
Wife Coffee Table
True love knows no bounds. Nor limits. Nor coffee rings. Or, as the case may be, beer rings. http://www.geocities.com/mikey_wbt/ugh/dead_wife.html
Iraqis practise their own form of voodoo
Persecuted under Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s fortune tellers and exorcists eke out an existence on the street http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?click_id=123&art_id=qw1067765584894B262&set_id=1 .
The Emptied-Home Mystery
San Francisco man has everything stolen from his home. Everything… This has GOT to be a case of ritualized identity-theft: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2003/10/27/BAG6A2JVJ61.DTL