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Mr. Blix’s Real Agenda

Magonia may not have been able to contribute troops to the “Coalition of the Willing,” but they say their diplomatic front was quite active in the lead-up to the war. […]

Menzoa |

Dying on time

A slightly disturbing thing I wrote while I was lacking sleep. I’m not that great of a writer though… People die, right? There’s no way to stop it either. They’re […]

Eresse |


BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Clockadoodle-doo Power: minor Cost: 1 minor charge Effect: The target’s alarm clock goes off. If the target has more than one alarm clock, the […]

David K. Tormsen |

UA Mailing List Back Up

The original UAML has returned, archives and all. I am shutting down the Yahoo list that I described here yesterday. To join the UAML, go to the list’s home page.

John Tynes |

My Father’s Strange Friends…

Bless the children. It *might* even help… Diary found at the scene of Horowitz family residence, near the decapitated remains of one ‘Mink Mawson’, a Marilyn Monroe impersonator. The whereabouts […]

Mr Unlucky |

Happy Birthday, J.

Mother, do you think they’ll drop the bomb? — Pink Floyd (Mother, from The Wall) Plain notebook, man’s handwriting, found at the epicenter of the New Mexico forest fire, in […]

Mr Unlucky |

The Tyrant

Big Brother is watching you. The Tyrant: Crush those who oppose you… for your good and theirs. Attributes: The Tyrant is a truly ancient Archetype that is channelled by many […]

Qualia |

First Encounter

A little battle, A little magick and a lot of blood. If it wasn’t for Bobby I wouldn’t be here right now. I probably, would of been down at the […]

Tim Bisaillon |

Rumours from Oceania

Perfect beaches, exotic women, insane magickal power… You’ve heard about kago cults, ain’t you? Y’see, these primitive tribes in the South Pacific used to take cargo from Westerners and worship […]

David K. Tormsen |