The Man in Black rides forever… Born February 26 1932 in Kingland, Arkansas, the country-western singer would be an icon in his own right, even before his Ascension — to […]
Black Holes’ Birth
Fun fact about your friendly balls of flaming nothingness. Black holes are created when you realize the nature of their singularity, the center of their physical existence. See, when you’ve […]
Thought Mulholland Drive was “just all about a dream sequence”? Think again… (SPOILER WARNING) Many theories have been put forward about what might be the real meaning of David Lynch’s […]
Fire. Pure and simple. Pyromancers Aka Pyromaniacs, Arsonists, Fire starters, Charlie’s You know there is a personality behind fire. The way the naked flame weaves and bobs around can tell […]
Islamic Anti-Dipsomancer Ritual
Clash of Civilizations…magick! Some say that this ritual is as old as Mecca, taught by jinn to ancient wizards. Others that it was developed by the Sudanese Madhi in 1897 […]
Nothing’s new under the sun… or is it? (AKA Artfags, Purists, Hacks) True genius is never understood in its own time. Look at Da Vinci. Galileo. Van Gough. Edison. Decades, […]
Tiny Story Starter Pak™!
A whole bunch of little story ideas I have one problem with writing stories, and it’s that I come up with so many ideas that I never finish the ones […]
Author’s Note: As I read through UA2 (again) last night, the story of Eponymous, Alex Abel’s bodyguard, and his failed love interest caught in my mind, and I had to […]
Sports, anyone?
Seldom spoken of, but not to be ignored… Few games touch upon another important aspect of real life; the urge to compete, physically, for no better benefit than to be […]
Late… again
Mother Theresa at work —————— She’s late… again. She knows what’s coming; after the eighth time, her instincts are more accurate than an “Error Proof Test.” Her doctor can’t tell […]