intel inside is watching you… Magickal Pentium 4 stickers Power: Significant Effect: A magickal Pentium 4 sticker, when applied to the outside case of a working computer, causes that computer […]
Night Walk
It was a nice night for a walk, until… It all stated when Dad deceided that Vera needed to take a walk. “She’s been working down in the Library all […]
Proxy by Cover Band?
Make yourself a proxy for someone else? Maybe… So, I was chilling out one day, using this new ritual to see if any famous bands were gonna drop in on […]
I’m Better Now.
No. Really. I’m doing well today, thank you, doctor Simms. No, no more dreams. I’ve gone almost three weeks without a single bad dream. I know, that’s my personal best. […]
Mr. Blix’s Real Agenda
Magonia may not have been able to contribute troops to the “Coalition of the Willing,” but they say their diplomatic front was quite active in the lead-up to the war. […]
Dying on time
A slightly disturbing thing I wrote while I was lacking sleep. I’m not that great of a writer though… People die, right? There’s no way to stop it either. They’re […]
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Clockadoodle-doo Power: minor Cost: 1 minor charge Effect: The target’s alarm clock goes off. If the target has more than one alarm clock, the […]
UA Mailing List Back Up
The original UAML has returned, archives and all. I am shutting down the Yahoo list that I described here yesterday. To join the UAML, go to the list’s home page.
My Father’s Strange Friends…
Bless the children. It *might* even help… Diary found at the scene of Horowitz family residence, near the decapitated remains of one ‘Mink Mawson’, a Marilyn Monroe impersonator. The whereabouts […]
Happy Birthday, J.
Mother, do you think they’ll drop the bomb? — Pink Floyd (Mother, from The Wall) Plain notebook, man’s handwriting, found at the epicenter of the New Mexico forest fire, in […]