Big Brother is watching you. The Tyrant: Crush those who oppose you… for your good and theirs. Attributes: The Tyrant is a truly ancient Archetype that is channelled by many […]
First Encounter
A little battle, A little magick and a lot of blood. If it wasn’t for Bobby I wouldn’t be here right now. I probably, would of been down at the […]
Those crazy movie taxi drivers!
Need to get somewhere in a hurry? Okay, so the other day after Jodus left us. I ran into these two punks who hang with Frankie’s crew… They were all […]
Rumours from Oceania
Perfect beaches, exotic women, insane magickal power… You’ve heard about kago cults, ain’t you? Y’see, these primitive tribes in the South Pacific used to take cargo from Westerners and worship […]
Project Rebirth
TOP SECRET/EYES ONLY Send initiated… Encryption level DaVinci Bounce through servers-Langley:Anchorage:Seoul:Melbourne:Mumbai:Cairo:Glasgow:Washington Report: Terrorist threat to Project Rebirth It has come to the attention of the Department that a new terrorist […]
I Know My Occult Stuff, Man!
How to use your occult savvy or trivia skills regarding the Occult underground. I Know My Occult Stuff, Man! (Mind Skill) The character can roll to see if he recognises […]
Urban Veves
Know what those lines of weird script written on the sidewalk means? Maybe it’s best you didn’t. Cost: 3 significant charges (possibly more) Ritual Action: By using the hidden names […]
Ludificomancy II (Ludoscopy)
Alternative to Toshi’s adept school based on games. Ludificomancy (Ludoscopy) (Ludificomancy: Ludonautica, ludoscopy, Mancymancy, chaoscopy, straggling) (Ludificomancers: ludonauts, ludoscopy, mancies, stragglers) The human mind is built on recognising patterns and […]
Dead Receiver
Unnatural Geiger Counter ———— Power: Significant Effect: This radio is similar to the Crying Doll, but a bit less versatile and much less likely to draw strange looks. It produces […]
A New Dawn
Lets hope this dude is just nuts. Calm down. I know this seems frightening, but its all for the common good. You see, we need to stop the end of […]