Ever wondered what those orange things really meant? Power: Minor. Effect: Disrupts the flow of existing traffic lanes, by coercing the drivers to subconsciously ‘forget’ the existence of the original […]
Life is just a game. Who cares if you die? You still have 3 life left . . . (please bear with me, this is my first post) Ludifico – […]
The Next Man
A man attempting to ascend as the most important archtype of them all. Down in Texas there was a duke who was thinking about starting up as an avatar with […]
The Mechano-Terrorist
You didn’t think the only Occult Undergrounds were in the West, did you? Do their sunglasses have X-ray vision? Of course they do. The Americans have all sorts of modern […]
Jack Stillborn and his dog, Elbow
The cosmic cowboy and his trusty sidekick. He may not seem like much but Jack Stillborn once drank from the Fountain of Youth. Is he an Avatar of the First […]
The Unobtainable Harlot, The Sacred Whore, The Naked Goddess, The Objectified Object, The Priceless Prostitute, WECHBY – The Woman Everyone Can Have But You… Attributes: The Naked Goddess is an […]
A cabal or not a cabal, that is the question, or isn’t it? Or is it a parasitic psychic vortex or is it an arty vampiric Happening? The Chaoties or […]
Magic Bullet
Lee Harvey Oswald wasn’t the Lone gunman but there was a Lone gunman! In some of the old masonic texts a few buddies of mine found a ritual called the […]
Realistic Alignment Generator
Here is a link to a website that has an interesting “Realistic Alignment Generator.” I know UA doesn’t use alignment, but while screwing around I found this site and the […]
W. Jethro Urkhart
It’s all about victims and their victims. Willis Adelaide Guthroe, Bradley Shaeffer, Robin Sebastian Munley, Seth Masters, Andrew Clarkston, Ferdinand Paulo de Salo, and Eric Monichs are all serving time […]