Here’s lyrics to a song that I jotted down. Thought, I share it with you folks He’s got a knife. He’s coming to get you. He’s going to carve his […]
100 — Count Them — Bullets.
Ever want to break even? If life’s kicking you when you’re down, you can only try to remain calm. Try counting to 100. I wish I would’ve met you now […]
Best Friends Forever
Friendship never dies, literally in this case. Jerry came back again. The man just won’t stay buried. I’ve tried everything, too. Heavy stones on the coffin, burial facing upside-down, spring […]
Explain it to me. Please. Why. Simplest question possible. Hardest answer to pin down. Easiest thing to make someone ask, period. “Why did you hit me.” “Why did I have […]
UA Lives!
Thanks to the help of numerous UA fans, I’ve renewed for another year! I really appreciate your generous contributions. We raised a little more than was needed, and as […]
Joltin’ Joe’s Coffee Cup
I could of use one of these in college. Power: Significant Effect: Whoever drinks a full cup of coffee from the mug need not worry about sleep. Description: Former Yankee […]
The Agent of Them
They’re not out to get you. Just to make you think they are. Or they want you to think they are making you think. Something like that. Two words: “deep […]
Ever wanna punch someone right in the eye?
Well here’s someone to hit! I heard that there’s this guy downtown. Naw he’s just some duke, don’t think he’s an adept or anything. Anyway, from what I hear, anytime […]
Greetings from Portland!
Welcome to the Rose City of Oregon. Ain’t it grand? Finding a few extra hours to kill, and got nothing going on? Drop by the Roxy, which has a neon […]
Voodoo: the Other Paradigm
Macumba, Voudon, and Santeria, in a short summary. In the inner cities of the coastal zones, one can find a few curious belief structures. Of which, only Voodoo has the […]