Sleepers and TNI missed something I just got around to watching Fight Club, man. Crazy. The makers of that flim, they have to be in on the know. Jack in […]
The House has a Room of Fame
Ever wonder how people become Stars? It’s a room, I swear it. It makes itself up as a studio, or a practice salle, or a library or what-not, and some […]
Playing chicken with the Sleepers Entropomancy works like this. Take a risk, get some mojo. Walking up to a street gang and mouthing off works perfectly fine. It doesn’t matter […]
To Go: The Official Announcement
TO GO by Greg Stolze OVER SIX BILLION SERVED For a decade, the occult conspiracy known as Mak Attax has been infusing America with magickal power, one super-size fast-food meal […]
Ribbed for her pleasure
Why you should never, NEVER flush a used condom… There’s a special brand of cheap condom making the rounds in Europe and just entering the North American market. The brand […]
Unknown Armies in Czech! And Break Today Ships.
I’m pleased to announce that we’ve signed a deal for a Czech edition of Unknown Armies. Owing to the small size of the Czech market, it’s likely to be sold […]
Eaten by Tomorrow
Ever get that feeling late at night that something is creeping up on you? This tape may hold the answer. I heard about this tape, right? It’s kind of like […]
The Spoils of War
Where those really new really old artifacts are coming from… I’m sure you’ve heard something about the National Museum in Baghdad getting robbed of 30 to 40 items. Doesn’t sound […]
Vodou’s Veil
on a nondescript corner in Little Haiti (
Masterless Man Channel 1
Suggested modification to the primary charm of the masterless man The masterless man is a recurring theme in many genres. One of the more prolific of these is the ‘western’ […]