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Rotten To The Core

The Forbidden Fruit was meant to remain forbidden. Somewhere, sitting on a shelf is an apple core. It’s petrified and some say that it is the actually fruit that caused […]

Tim Bisaillon |

The Quiet Libertarian

It’s all about Freedom….. This was done as something of a joke for a friend of mine who is a Libertarian. Surprisingly, the channels came out to be somewhat interesting. […]

Parke |

Sector 7

The local Jazz club has some strange owners. Sector 7 They run out of that club downtown. The Neon Blue is a jazz club (which can exist anywhere i suppose) […]

Recounting the Cost

The inevitable Florida Recount occult spin game. Download this rather short scenario as a zipped word document from GameEire.

Gar |

Favoured Horse

A scenario fragment more than anything else. But hey, it’s got a werehorse in it. Download it here. It’s very sketchy but might inspire some ideas.

Gar |

Ten more weirdo things.

More odds and ends of a mystical nature. Roll a d10 or choose. You look at the pile of papers, books, pens, and general knick-knacks strewn on the desk and […]

Insect King |